Dust is a common problem in the construction and demolition industry. Generally, there are 3 types of dust released during demolition. These are wood dust, lower toxicity dust, and silica dust. Each of these types poses a great risk to those within and around the worksite. Dust can irritate the eyes, skin, and respiratory system, and long-term exposure can lead to lung cancer, silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP). Fortunately, technology has been deployed to counter this problem. Currently, there are better dust control methods and precautions from BossTek that can be used to combat dust emission.
In this post, we’ll explore some methods you can use in dust suppression for a healthy and safe worksite.
Methods of Dust suppression
Dust suppression is done in a variety of ways including;
Sprays and hoses
Dust can also be controlled by saturating the area with a temporary water supply. This involves spraying water directly onto the work surface with fire hoses. Such systems can be integrated with temporary dust monitors around a facility and set real-time notifications for certain levels of dust emission.
Dust Control System
Dust control systems such as misting equipment create a water curtain that is used to prevent dust from being released into the air, where it might cause problems. Using this type of equipment also helps to keep the environment clean and improves the visibility of any work location. As a result, personnel will be able to perform demolition duties more safely. There are two types of this; indoor and outdoor control systems.
Indoor systems that use static overhead lines installed in a grid-like matrix over the ceiling or around the perimeter of any entry or exit points to manage dust in indoor work areas. Then there are the Outdoor systems that can be either movable or stationary. They can be self-contained or linked to existing power and water sources. They also include unique features like adjustable nozzle rings that ensure the right amount of moisture is applied to the surface, ensuring the right amount of fog emission. This aids in the control of dust, the management of dust mounds, and the prevention of them from accumulating.
Dust and noise barriers
Barriers, such as noise barriers, can be used to control the spread of demolition dust. These barriers are durable and can also block dust and debris. With dust barriers, you can control the spread of demolition dust from a site and keep it from spreading into public spaces. These barriers are durable and multi-purpose, also blocking dust and debris during demolition work.
Use of mobile dust suppression systems
Mobile solutions are particularly suitable for cleaning job sites because they are easy to transport and can be repositioned quickly. The machines reduce the need for a lot of water, which means puddles can be avoided. The machine is easily removed from the site after completing the work. An integrated swivel capability in the turbine along with its inclination ensures it covers a larger area. The spray head tilt is fast plus it can be adjusted remotely. As such, getting the right machine delivers you a solution that’s individually adapted to your business needs. Even then, the choice of dust control solution is dependent on factors like the amount of dust and construction site size.
Investing in continuous dust suppression measures is important in any construction or demolition site. With the right systems, cases of dust pollution and dust-induced diseases can be greatly reduced.