The Difference Between Kindness and Criticism
Kindness instead of criticism can go a long way into making your employees more productive. Killing them with kindness means to disarm people instead of fueling meanness because paying it forward is simply better for business. Encouraging random acts of kindness such as raking leaves from a stranger’s yard if you are a moving company.
Global Reward Solutions is one such platform that can help you build a company culture of kindness with the coolest rewards on the planet to motivate your employees to be kind. They are a cloud-based reward management system that rewards employees well. The system keeps track of recognition programs, sales programs and customer loyalty, we also have employee engagement programs, marketing campaigns, and contests.
Establishing Relationships with Your Employees
Good relationships should be rewarded with gift cards to motivate employees. Back in the 1990s, coffee companies were capitalizing off of the trend Starbucks started because people were drawn to baristas who remembered exactly what they wanted. A relationship with the barista was a part of their life.
Rewarding kindness is something that should be taken seriously by companies. Companies all over the world can remember to award their employees who take kindness seriously. Employees get inspired to be kind to people by reading about their colleague’s kindness, and you can use this company as a solution to your situation.
Integrating Real Kindness
Kindness ought to be an important part of company operations because if the boss is unkind, then the company loses productivity. Kindness can help employees become more productive. Kindness efforts are commonplace when groups deliver rocks with kind messages painted on it, leaving it on the ground where people can find it. Some raise funds for those less fortunate than others.
Why Our Present Culture Values Rudeness
A rude person is seen as admirable at times while kind people are not necessarily seen as strong. Then again, you can be kind and strong at the same time if you want to because kindness is actually not as weak as some imply. Sometimes rudeness is a way to protect us because a company could have a rude company culture that does not emphasize kindness towards others.
There are some people out there who lack empathy, which is why these people are bad at customer service. There are various agencies that can help you build a perfect employee rewards solution to make sure your employees get rewarded for kindness, not the opposite.
The Badge System
Companies should reward using a badge system, with the ability to instantly reward loyalty by connecting your members to the world’s largest gallery of rewards. Rude people need to have someone demonstrate to them that being kind is not a weakness.
Respectful communication means that both parties are on the same page since you need to learn if the person being rude to you is having a bad day or not. Kindness can be difficult for some employees. The rewards we offer are what will motivate your employees.
Assertiveness and Persistence
In which case, you have to be persistent and assertive while setting limits on their behaviour. Being kind does not necessarily open the door to exploitation because you can set limits with aggressive people if you need to. Kindness makes a company more productive in the end since kindness can be strength in itself. Researching reward options could have a long-term impact on company productivity. Offers are instant gifting with gift codes, that help recipients find millions of reward types and choices. You can also link your social media to the badge system that provides motivation.